Friday, July 11, 2003

Remember a few things about ENRON. Its owner, Ken Lay, was Bush's LARGEST (and one of his longest) political donors. Along with that, the company had a "squeeze play" system set up down the line to solict donnations from employees for Bush and the GOP. No one had to give but it was encouraged under those working at the top with lots of pressure so not just Kenny Boy gave dough. Every top ENRON exec gave huge amounts of dough to Bush and all their spouses and family did, too (as much as the law would personally allow). There are many warm letters of meetings and "Kenny Boy" name-slapping exchanged between Bush that has been made public. Despite what Bush claims now, he and Kenny Boy were tight.

The point is the company was run by slime and got sweetheart deals from Bush. Kenny Boy and other energy industry lobbyists met personally with Cheney (Who is fighting in the courts to keep those meetings and who met with him SECRET. Is this the way to create public policy in American democracy?) to craft a "new energy policy". Seen a reduction in your energy bills lately? And note how the company lied about its financial health while covering up huge debt. Sound like the way that Bush is running the operating of the government. It's costing us 3.9 BILLION DOLLARS A MONTH alone just to maintain troops in Iraq (and we still have troops propping up Afghanistan). Bush is the Kenny Boy President of America and he's running the country into huge debt so he can cut taxes for his pals and thus eventually cause the destruction of social programs provided by the government by starving off their money (sort of like those pension plans that invested in Enron under its false advertising).

Why isn't Lay and other top Enron executives in jail? Why are they reorganizing and paying investors off in pennies on the dollar? The same reason former Iran Contra leaders were pardoned by Bush I and now are working in Bush II's administration. THE FIX IS IN.

Enron Files Reorganization Plan

By KRISTEN HAYS, AP Business Writer

HOUSTON - Enron Corp.'s thousands of creditors will get a fraction of what they are owed when the scandal-ridden energy conglomerate emerges from bankruptcy as two newly named pipeline and international power companies...


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