Friday, February 13, 2004

Here's the beginning of an article from refuting the Bush Attack Ad against John Kerry with the FACTS. Bush is the king of special interests. I'm not including the whole article (just click on the title to go to the website) because if you visit the web page it has links in the analysis where you can go to and learn more of the REAL FACTS of why John Kerry has been visciously maligned by the Rove attack machine. But hey. What else is new? Expect these attacks to happen daily because BUSH IS TERRIFIED OF KERRY'S RISING POPULARITY WHILE HIS POLLING NUMBERS SINK.

Bush's Misleading Attack Video

Internet attack ad says Kerry got most “special interest money” of any senator. He didn't. And Bush got lots more.

February 13, 2004


The Bush campaign sent an e-mail Feb. 12 to six million supporters with a link to an Internet video attacking Kerry for being "unprincipled." The ad claims Kerry got "more special interest money than any other senator," which is false.

While it is true that Kerry got $640,000 over the past 15 years from individual lobbyists, that's only one type of special-interest money. And the Bush campaign itself has reported raising $960,000 from individual lobbyists in the past year alone.

The ad says Kerry got "millions from executives at HMO's, telecoms, drug companies," which is true -- for Kerry's entire political career. But so far Kerry's presidential campaign has received a small fraction of what the Bush campaign has received from those particular sources. By any definition, Bush's "special interest" money greatly exceeds Kerry's.



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