Thursday, July 24, 2003

Did you sign up?

Congress is Flooded with Demands for the Truth
Help Us Reach Half a Million

In the last two days, over 45,000 TrueMajority members have responded to our latest alert calling on Congress to conduct real hearings into the justifications used to attack Iraq. Our sister groups in the Win Without War coalition have generated 400,000 communications to Congress. Washington is hearing us and the media is finally reporting aggressively.

If you haven't already taken action, please do so now. If you have, please forward this alert to all of your friends asking them to send a free fax too. This will help us reach our goal of 500,000 -- a half million demands on Congress to uncover the truth.

If you'd like to send a message to your Representative, CLICK HERE.

Yours in truth seeking,

Ben Cohen
Co-Founder, Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream+

Here's the letter we'll send to your Representative:

Dear Representative:

As a constituent of yours, I am very concerned about the almost daily revelations about the validity of the justification used to launch America's attack on Iraq. I understand that two pieces of legislation are now introduced in the House, either of which will launch meaningful investigations. Please add your name to a growing list of legislators, including many who voted for the initial war resolution last October, who are interested in learning what the administration knew and when. Please co-sponsor HR-307 and HR-2625.

The responsibility of Congressional oversight sits squarely on your shoulders. I would like to know that my member of Congress is asking these important questions. Thank you for your continued effort on this issue.

(We'll put your name and address here.)

+ I am writing this email on my own and not on behalf of Ben & Jerry's, which is not associated with the TrueMajority campaign.

* note: A few of our strongest allies in Congress have asked us to send emails to them instead of faxes. This makes it easier for them to contact you about their position on the issue. We agree that we should help our friends in this way, and therefore we send emails instead of faxes to these special members of Congress.


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