Friday, June 27, 2003

I'm endorsing the ONLY candidate that can win against Bush. The only politically SEASONED and PROVEN candidate that has the steel to meet the vicious attacks that will come from the ruthless Bush election machine (ask John McCain).

That candidate is John Kerry.


John Kerry needs you to go and give whatever contribution you can to his grassroots presidential campaign today to make clear that’s members agree that with 2.5 million jobs lost, John Ashcroft running wild, surpluses blown, and deficits as far as the eye can see, the one American who deserves to be laid off is George W Bush.

Your contribution can make a difference as we race towards the June 30th FEC fundraising deadline.

Would you like the Democratic Party to pick as its nominee a decorated Vietnam veteran who will remind George W Bush that landing on an aircraft carrier doesn’t make up for a failed economic policy -- for degrading our environment -- for John Ashcroft trampling on the Bill of Rights -- and it won’t convince America to let the Republicans privatize Social Security? Then you know John Kerry is the right Democrat to take the fight to George W Bush.

Would you like the Democratic Party to nominate the strong Democrat who from Day One of the Bush Administration has stood up to remind Tom DeLay and his right wing friends that the American flag and patriotism belong to no political party and no President? Then John Kerry should be your choice to take the fight to George W Bush.

Make no mistake, to beat Karl Rove, it’ll take courage, character, and clarity. -- and no one can match John Kerry’s lifetime record of leading the tough fights to hold powerful interests accountable. But to give that fight a voice and beat the Bush-Cheney-Halliburton money machine, it’s going to take’s grassroots contributions to John Kerry’s campaign. Please go to and make your secure online contribution today.

With John Kerry, you’re going into political battle with a warrior. He’s not intimidated by George W Bush because he’s faced tougher political opponents -- before he was even 30, he was on Richard Nixon’s Enemies List and he wears it as a badge of honor.

John Kerry came home from Vietnam and stood up to Richard Nixon’s Vietnam War and asked the country, “How do you ask a man to be the last man to die for a mistake?” As a prosecutor he put the #2 mob crime boss in New England behind bars. He has been elected four times to the United States Senate without ever taking a dime of special interest PAC money in his campaigns. He helped blow the whistle on Ronald Reagan and Oliver North’s illegal war in Central America. During George W Bush’s ‘honeymoon,’ Kerry took the fight to John Ashcroft and Gale Norton and exposed the President’s right wing agenda. He led the fight to stop drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, and when other Democrats shied away from the battlefield, it took John Kerry and John McCain to stand up to the Bush Administration’s special interest, lobbyist driven agenda and push to break the stranglehold of Middle East oil by raising fuel efficiency on gas guzzlers.

You know John Kerry is the Democrat to carry out our Party’s mission in 2004 -- now let’s join together to send a message to George W Bush: he may have the special interests’ money, but we have people and we have ideas -- and together we will win.

You can contribute online at:

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