Wednesday, June 25, 2003

Remember how our President and Vice President, alleged "experts" in business, especially ENERGY, stood there on national TV and refused to allow federal investigation of the California "energy crisis", stating that it was a market issue to be solved by the market and that the answer was to continue to deregulate the market. Since then many of their biggest and longest contributing political supporters have been found to have grossly manipulated that market.

FERC Orders 60 Firms to Justify Calif. Profits
By Chris Baltimore

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Wednesday ordered 60 power sellers and municipal utilities to explain why they should not have to repay unfair profits reaped from allegedly manipulating the market during California's energy crisis... (for more see link above)

Conclusion: Bush and Cheney either LIED about what they knew or they are dumb $#*!$ and know nothing about the very industries they worked in.

This FERC investigation (spurred on by the CA state attorney's findings of massive fraud by the power sellers) has been walking on eggshells and spread out gingerly to keep any large public notice of its findings and now look at this lastest wonder. They are ordering the crooks to justify their profits!!! Smell the putrid odor of more manipulation to come (with tobacco industry-type lawyers defending the crooked power sellers in court and drawing it out for years). People should be in jail right now to send a message that this sort of mass corruption will not be tolerated. But do you think Attorney General Ashcroft is going to throw some of Bush's top financial supporters in jail with an election season starting up? ---Sam

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