Wednesday, June 25, 2003

More evidence of White House pressure to cook the intelligence to go to war with Iraq. You remember that war. We killed thousands while American soldiers are still dying daily in Iraq and Afghanistan for such lying.

Expert Said to Tell Legislators He Was Pressed to Distort Some Evidence

WASHINGTON, June 24 รข€” A top State Department expert on chemical and biological weapons told Congressional committees in closed-door hearings last week that he had been pressed to tailor his analysis on Iraq and other matters to conform with the Bush administration's views, several Congressional officials said today. More at:

(A quick registration is required but hey, everyone should be reading the NY TIMES)

Will America ever wake up and realize that major incompetence allowed the 9/11 tragedy? Quick, what's the difference between George Bush and Bill Clinton? Answer. Clinton tried to kill Bin Laden BEFORE the 9/11 attacks (with a Tomahawk cruise missile and the GOP elite attacked him at the time for doing so and saying it was all just for politics!).

Bush Slow to OK Drones in Bin Laden Hunt
Wed Jun 25,10:29 AM ET

WASHINGTON - When President Bush took office in January 2001, the White House was told that Predator drones had recently spotted Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) as many as three times and officials were urged to arm the unmanned planes with missiles to kill the al-Qaida leader. But the administration failed to get drones back into the Afghan skies until after the Sept. 11 attacks later that year, current and former U.S. officials say...

Well, one thing is still true. The Bush curse concerning the economy has a silver lining waiting to shine forth during the next election. It's tragic that Americans and other countries around the world have to suffer due to his mishandling of the economy but that's what happens when greedy corporate interests overtakes a democracy. Yes, folks. We don't have a democracy in America anymore. Lobbyists for huge corporate interests write the legislation while this administration uses a ruthless PR machine to cover for it. Did you know that when reporters submit stories to the White House to check the facts they rewrite them and return them with a softer spin applied? Yep, we've gone from having a nation governed by one Nixon to a whole political party cloned in his image, hellbent to control and keep power at ANY price.

Economy Lowers Bush's Re-Election Support
Wed Jun 25, 9:15 AM ET
By WILL LESTER, Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON - President Bush basks in high approval ratings, but when potential voters are pressed about giving him a second term, the numbers drop, a reflection of worries about the struggling economy and a general wait-and-see attitude so far ahead of the election...

Which brings me around to what it's going to take to kick Bush out on his @$$ the next election. We can't have a sissy-boy running against him. We can't have a right-minded but soft-hearted person trying to remain above the fray. Nope. We are going to have to have a guy or gal willing to crawl in the mud in the middle of the night and take wire-cutters and castrate Bush while he sleeps in his bunker and then force him to eat them on live TV. Because that is what Bush's immoral political machine does (ask John McCain about the outrageous attacks on him during the last election contest for the nomination). This will be the most brutal election ever on record. Remember the Florida recount protests? The Bush election campaign paid to send people down there to shout and kick on that Dade County office door for the TV (and it's been proved by identifying the culprits in that video). Remember the right wing media and political onslaught against Clinton? We need a candidate that will attack Bush where he has no defense. His utterly vapid mind. The Democratic candidate has to slice Bush in every public encounter away from a prepared speech and carefully controlled situations and reduce him to a babbling brook of protoplasm so that all America can gasp and say, "Jeez, is that broken pile of sputtering circuits really our President?" The public pays no attention until the election begins to close and the debates are in process so it's crucial our candidate can take advantage of every opportunity to make Bush lose his control. And you can bet the Bush machine will try like hell to limit debates in all manner and meetings. The Democratic candidate must attack, attack, attack! But with a smile and a wink that he's your pal and looking after your interests while these crooks in the White House are trying to take everything we hold dear about America away.

And finally, we have to run someone with a stellar war record AND a long service on congressional committees that oversee the military. We can NOT win if we don't have that. Karl Rove is on record of stating to his election troops that they are to pound the public about the war and Bush as Commander in Chief over the economy. That is their one shining hope and the source of their downfall. If we have a war veteran candidate that can look Bush in the face with steely-eyed menace and tell him he's a momma's boy for screwing up the "war on terrorism" and the war to save the economy and get him to cry (you think I'm kidding but ol' Bush reverts to tears when he gets his toes stepped on), we can win because many hawkish independents and even Republicans will vote for a guy like that.

Sorry, all you peaceniks and hippie-dippy folk (and I'm a brother in arms with you all). You can forget Dean. Forget Nader. This is the kind of candidate it's going to take to make the folks back in Malden, Missouri (my hometown in the Midwest) and Katy, Texas (where I taught junior high school) give pause and NOT vote for Bush. We've already seen you can't win with just California and New York and the popular vote and being a nice candidate. There's too much at stake this time to leave anything for chance.

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